
Hey pals! 

You may have noticed I haven’t been hanging around here a lot. Sorry about that. The steam running this old thing seems to have slowed a bit. But there’s good news! I’m starting a new blogging adventure about food, and I want you to come along for the ride! 

So come see me at!


The average night for a working single girl

Although I’ve only been in this small town and my first rented house just a little more than a month, I already have a solid evening schedule in place. In general, for those that are curious about what happens to a twenty-something who lives alone, this is what any evening of the week looks like. And it’s not glamourous, folks.

1. Walk in the door and kick off shoes into the pile in front of the door. This isn’t some Pinterest worthy entrance. Just literally a pile of everything I come in the door with. Bags, wallets, keys, umbrellas, an empty box from that great thing I ordered last week. I can be fancy when I (someday far away) get a mortgage, right?

2. Rummage through the kitchen cabinet for some eats. This usually means a breakfast or grilled cheese sandwich or some form of pasta. Maybe some steamed broccoli thrown in. If I’m feeling healthy I’ll try to convince myself that a carrot is all I really need. That never lasts though.. (Just wait for #4)

3. Settle in with a meal/snack amongst the many craft supplies — read: yarn — and find something worth watching on Hulu. Up until earlier this week, that was Community. But to my own devastation I ran out of episodes. (Oh NBC, are you feeling like it’s Oct. 19, yet? Please say yes!) Commence crocheting!

4. Give in to that jar of Nutella calling my name. Resistance really is futile.

5. Get tired of watching things on my tiny laptop screen. Opt for a movie to hopefully inspire faster crocheting. Choices: When Harry Met Sally, You’ve Got Mail or Pride and Prejudice. Play the one you haven’t watched in the last three days.

6. Realize there’s no Harry/Joe Fox/Mr. Darcy in my life. Sit and hope he materializes into my fuzz coated living room. Crocheting is quirky, cute and lovable, right?

7. Remember I’m no longer in college. Midnight is no longer an acceptable bedtime. Accept the fact and embrace the beauty of being in bed at 9 o’clock and not feeling like I’m missing all the great adventures being had by my adventuresome pals around campus.

And that, my friends, is a day of this little life. (OK, maybe #6 is an exaggeration. Maybe.)

Til then!

New beginnings are hard

Obvs, I haven’t been here in a while. And I’ll cut the apologizing.

You see, I’ve had some big changes in the past month (or two). I’ve landed my first journalism dream job — yes, with an NPR station! And I’ve moved from the booming, magnificent city of Nashville to a slow-paced, friendly western Kentucky small town. (Hint: Notice the blog name change?)

I’ve got some plans in the works of things to share about my small town post-grad adventures, but for now I’ll leave you with some photos of this new slower — and earlier —  life.

Til then (and this time it won’t be so long)!

Good Reads for Job Hunters

It is a time for celebration. I have had a visit, my friends. A visit from Lady Luck (maybe more like Lady Hardworkpaysoff?). My swimmer’s ear is practically healed… and I have a job interview tomorrow!

When 2:30 rolls around tomorrow I’ll probably be all noodles and nerves, but I’m hoping all my NPR investigating will pay off and the right words will kick in. So since I’m going to be thinking all about landing the first step into my dream job, I thought I’d leave you with some job hunting tips this Monday night.

1. Have writer’s block when it comes to you resume? Dreading the hunt for action-y verbs for your (hopefully) captivating cover letter? Here’s 100 words that might liven things up a bit.

2. I know I’m not the best about keeping my LinkedIn up-to-date or even using it, but these 10 quick tips might just make me change my mind.

3. Hooray! You’re like me and are actually going to talk (or if you’re close hopefully visit) someone who has an opening you might just be the right fit for. That’s where these tips for standing out in and interview will come in handy. And I think these are much better than your typical pep talk about selling yourself.

4. Sweet! You just landed that coveted internship for the fall semester — or you’ve been looking for one all summer as a post grad and you finally hit your lucky patch! (I understand, I’m there with you.) Now here’s how you can make sure you’re not just making copies or sitting at a desk perusing your Google Reader every day.

5. You do have a job, but you just aren’t sure it’s for you. Maybe you’re questioning whether or not you love your work? Here are 15 things that might just help you figure that out.

6. I couldn’t leave you without a funny little bit to read. Here’s one for you post grads out there who are settling into full time work. Life sure does change, right?

Now I must leave you! A working girl has got to get some beauty rest.

Let’s hope I have more news coming late this week! I’ll keep you in the loop, dears, I promise.

Til then!

Slow Saturday Salsa

I know it’s only Wednesday, that infamous hump dropped in the middle of the week, but I’m already dreaming about weekend plans. With the emotional ups and downs of the typical post-grad life in addition to feeling under the weather (Swimmer’s ear. Yuck.), I am more than ready for a couple days to romp around with friends, take naps and crochet away.

But even though this week has knocked me out a little bit, I’m making it through thanks to a day of resting. You see, my dear roommate was out of town for the entire weekend leaving me on my own for a couple of days. What to do with a completely open, unencumbered Saturday? Take it slow, my dear. Take it slow.

I soaked up all the rest I could get and even read the entire issue — sans one piece on golf — of Garden & Gun. I realized I should take a break from lovely stories about bourbon, southern artists and quail to make lunch. Since my green-thumbed father and a generous editor had handed over some not-too-spicy Anaheim peppers and a tomato or two, I went for a low-key, slow-paced meal. So I took a try at making my own salsa for my leisurely afternoon.


-3 or 4 Anaheim peppers

-1 or two tomatoes

-About a quarter of a huge grocery store onion

-Fresh cilantro


Chop peppers, tomatoes, onion and cilantro into chunks. Dump all those veggies and herbs into a food processor. Squeeze a generous amount of lime juice into the mix. Process the dickens out of it until you get a nice salsa-y texture.

Serve with chips (or pretzel crisps in my case) and preferably a few fingers of rum. Sit back and enjoy your light, care-free Saturday lunch in the sun.


I know it was exactly what I needed this week, and I’d suggest it to anyone out there. Just another quick tip: If you jump in swimming pool after savoring you light lunch, you might want to put a drop or two of alcohol in each ear when you jump out. Swimmer’s ear is not your friend, folks.

How do you prepare yourself on the weekends when a week of work (or job hunting!) looms ahead of  you? I’d really love to know.

Til then!